Logo Metallblasinstrumentenbauer Kain

Trompete auf Notenblätter


A hearty welcome to music fans everywhere to the Web site of Hubert Kain Brass Instruments. We perform high-quality repair work on brass instruments and piston valves. We also manufacture piston valves and can facilitate ordering a new or used instrument quickly and reliably.

Metal meets wood

Our Innovation: B-flat Flugelhorn with wooden bell and gold brass corpus. These elegant and special Instrument is handmade to your desire.
Read more about that unique Instrument with his special tone.


Valve Refurbishing

Restauration von Ventilen

We are one of the very few master workshops in Germany that can restore your brass instrument to tip-top condition.

We rebuild defective or old valves by hand, using a process that we have developed ourselves, so that your instrument can once again sound its best.


Valve Assemblies

The following will provide you with a glimpse of our manufacturing process. The photographs and brief descriptions illustrate the high degree of professionalism with which we operate.


It’s in our own interest that you leave our shop satisfied, with the desire to visit us again! You’ll find a list of all our services here.



The following pictures provide some examples of our handiwork – and we do mean by hand! And if you’re looking for custom-made instruments, you’ve also come to the right place!
